Chatham-Kent Veterinary Hospitals
Wellness Care
Annual wellness exams evaluate your pets overall health, detect problems before they become serious, and keep them on track to live a long, healthy life.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We believe regular veterinary wellness care is an essential part of keeping your pet healthy and happy for years to come.
A wellness visit starts with a preliminary assessment by one of our veterinary technicians to help evaluate your pet’s overall health. This is followed by a complete physical examination by one of our highly skilled veterinarians to diagnose any underlying disease that may be hurting your pet. The preliminary assessment and subsequent physical examination include:
Record of history and lifestyle
Nutritional status and body weight counseling
Thorough physical examination
Internal and external parasite prevention for diseases such as heartworm, intestinal worms, fleas, and ticks
Customized vaccination protocol
Treatment plan for current conditions or disease prevention
Recommended diagnostic testing may include:
Blood testing
Urine testing
Fecal analysis
Blood pressure
These services are included in our Premium Pet Care Plans. These plans offer you unlimited consultations, routine vaccinations, and so much more, with a predictable low monthly payment.
Be prepared to share the following at your next wellness visit to help us determine a health plan for your pet:
Past vaccinations received at another hospital
Whether your pet lives outdoors or goes outdoors
Your pet’s interactions with any other animals
Travel plans in the upcoming year
Your pet’s history of going to a boarding kennel or dog parks
Current medications or supplements your pet is taking